【上海专业佳能EOS R5相机批发 一流】:全球消费者沉迷致胖食品,一如依靠化石燃料get



美国食品业正面临一场重大变革的潜在趋势。这一趋势源于诺和诺德和礼来推出的消费新型减肥药,以及沃尔玛公布的胖食品依与之相关的消费者行为变化。据沃尔玛最新的靠化数据显示,使用减肥药物的石燃人群在食物摄入方面呈现出明显的下降趋势。摩根士坦利指出快餐披萨等高碳水化合物食物以及糖果点心咸味零食、全球上海专业佳能EOS R5相机批发 一流高糖饮料和零食受到减肥药的消费影响最为显著,这些领域是胖食品依食品业的重要组成部分。如果消费者的靠化饮食习惯真的因为减肥药而改变,那么它们所受到的石燃影响无疑将是庞大的。

-loss drugs are no match for the might of big food


The全球 world is as to foods as it is to fuels


To get a sense of why about the of -loss on the food be taken with a pinch of salt,消费 sugar, and else you fancy in your bowl, go back 20 years to 2003.


That was the year when , the of a diet, on a sheet of ice in New York and died. The low-carb king was at the peak of his . One of his books, “Diet ”, even “Harry ”.

那一年,发明了以自己名字命名的流行饮食瘦身法的罗伯特·阿特金斯在纽约一处结冰的路面上滑倒,之后不治身亡。iPhone 13 Pro Max手机 极出彩这位低碳饮食之王彼时正值影响力巅峰。他所著的《饮食革命》的销量甚至一度超过《哈利·波特》。

His , not of but of in the finer of life such as steak, bacon, eggs and cream, joy the pits of , and alarm and . Wheat fell. , an Anglo-Dutch food giant, the diet for sales.

他宣扬的信息不是节制饮食,而是纵情享受牛排、熏肉、鸡蛋和奶油等更精良的食物,这给芝加哥的牲畜饲养场带去了欢天喜地,让面包店和糖果店惶惶不安。小麦价格下跌。iPhone 13 Pro Max手机 特出色英荷食品巨头联合利华把销售萎缩归咎于阿特金斯饮食法。

Yet by late 2003 the craze had gone the way of its , out by a blend of , bad and bad . As one it up: “ is toast.”


Every new to avoid. In the 1970s it was ; in the 1980s, salt; in the 1990s, fat; in the 2000s, carbs; in the 2010s and dairy. But this time is , isn’t it?


The the food, and are not fad, but , such as , in 2021 as an anti- drug, and and , anti- drugs used off-label for loss.


, the so- GLP-1 a of and in a way that has a in the food and drink as , are less to cheat.


in Novo and Eli Lilly, which make the drugs, are . Those in the soft- and , less so. In weeks the share of Coca-Cola and , as well as of like and , have .


were swift to link a big sell-off on 6th to by a in who that, to data, those who -loss drugs also less food. It like an echo of the scare from two ago. In all , it is a red .


The $1trn-plus food , of which have been for , will not sit idly by and let else their fate. On 10th Ramon , ’s boss, was the to play down the , that anti- drugs were on the firm’s radar but were not to any of the long-term its , such as , busy lives and a class.


The firm could, of , “pivot” if , he added. Other -food have noted that such as pack sizes and foods align with GLP-1-style .


And big food could use its to raise about the cost and of the new drugs. With such , the world off foods is to be much than its to fuels.




[əˈpɑnəməs] adj. 以某人的名字命名的

swoon [swun] v. 昏倒;激动;狂喜

[ˈpʌndɪt] n. 专家;权威

[ˈstɔːlwərt] adj. 忠诚可靠的;刻苦的;健壮的 n. 坚决分子

[ɪnˈkʌmbənt] adj. 职责所在的 n. 现任者;在任者